Living in a home that draws water from a well may lead to hardness, manganese, iron, and even unbalanced pH levels. Traditionally, if you were experiencing these issues you would purchase three different systems to remedy them. Independent Water Systems has the perfect answer.
Our TotalCare® conditioners include a uniquely engineered media called Crystal-Right™. Crystal-Right™ reduces high levels of hardness, iron, and manganese while raising low pH levels.
To learn more about our comprehensive water conditioning systems, schedule a free estimate today!
TotalCare® conditioners are the smart, convenient water treatment system for your home and lifestyle. These conditioners disinfect your system with patented self-monitoring technology. It also uses our exclusive Crystal-Right™ media to soften water while removing unpleasant tastes and odors. They can also correct acidic water conditions to help preserve your home's piping and fixtures.
If you struggle with high levels of acidity in your well water, consider our TotalCare® 1 conditioner to neutralize, filter, and soften your water all at once.
TotalCare® Series Conditioners are also available in our TotalCare® 2 unit. Our TotalCare® 2 conditioners eliminate manganese, iron, and other unwanted minerals from your water.
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